An introduction to fire safe valves- spring loaded valves
One of the most recent developments in industrial tools to prevent any sad event due to fire is the introduction of fire safe valves. These valves are designed to prevent fire from spreading or turning into a life threat, if the fuel valve gets damaged or generates a leakage.
The fire safe valves constitute spring loaded valves which are thermally actuated. In case of fire, these close automatically and stop the fuel flow. The fuel flow from crankcase of the engine and the reserve oil supply gets hindered, thus minimizing the chances of leakage.
Preventing the flow of fuel such as oil, gas, petrol and other combustibles, these spring-loaded valves prove to be very useful and effective against any damage. The benefits of using fire safe valves in a system are:
Protection of personnel or life
Lower insurance rates
Protection of equipment
Protection of environment
Prevents oil supply from feeding a fire