Tips for Choosing Top Valves for Food Industry

Tips for Choosing Top Valves for Food Industry

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Food safety has become a big concern of security issues for the global common people. Then, how to choose the valve fluid handling components among the modern food processing equipments? As a responsible valve factory, we are faced with a variety of health-related responsibilities, which are beyond the usual range of industrial product manufacturing. Because the final product consumer is the broad masses of the people, food contamination must be avoided, and the corrosion is even not allowed. It is not acceptable that there are cracks staying fluid and growing bacterial in valves and piping system.

In addition to choosing the materials and food contact surfaces in the process of machining, the food industry must also choose pipeline and storage equipment used for transporting acidic and alkaline cleaning liquid during the system maintenance. Moreover, it also needs to choose water treatment equipment meeting various environmental standards on the use of corrosive chemicals.

Valves are needed in the food application. Its manufacturing material cannot react with the product and it can not affect product flavor, color, and other features in any way. Non-food contact fluid equipment design factors include reducing maintenance and parking time, increase production, lowering the cost and other many uncertain factors related to knowledge and service for suppliers.

Water pump that food industry generally chooses should be made by stainless steel according to the national standard of hygiene grade. Then, it can avoid the secondary pollution of water and food. Models we recommend include sanitary stainless steel relief valve, common health butterfly valveball valve, etc.

                                            Tips for Choosing Top Valves for Food Industry

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