Bellow Seal Valves - a solution to prevent leakage
Irrespective of proper selection, installation, and periodic and preventive cares on conventional valves, leakages cannot be totally eliminated. Though performance seems to be satisfactory initially, they are bound to leak through gland after some operations.
Selecting bellow seal valves is the only solution for this problem. They incorporate metallic stainless steel bellows which are flexibly welded to the stem and to the bottom of the bonnet, creating a hermetic seal or impermeable barrier, thus effectively shutting off any leak/emission to the atmosphere. Bellows are available in many materials (carbon steel, stainless steel and exotic alloys) for virtually all corrosive chemical applications.
Based on available information, it seems that current bellow seal valves (available in gate valves, globe valves, and angle valves), range in size from 3 mm to 650 mm. Pressure ratings are available from ANSI 150# to 2500#.