Different Actuated Valves in Marine Applications

Different Actuated Valves in Marine Applications

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Actuated valves, though relatively small components they are, have a tremendous market that is expected to reach $125 billion by 2022, according to experts.
Much of this stunning growth is because of the marine industry: where up to 90% of the world's trade is carried out by ships.
If you are in offshore engineering, you’d better have a comprehensive understanding of the types of actuated valves.
What is an actuated valve?
An actuated valve is a valve equipped with an actuator. The actuator is a mechanism that controls the opening and closing of the valve from a distance by using a power source: hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic.
The actuated valves can be further divided into two categories, namely actuated rotary valve and actuated linear valve.
Driven rotary valves
This type of rotary valve includes all rotary valves containing actuators. These valves include ball valves, butterfly valves, and plug valves.
The actuators in these valves control the rotation required to open and close the valve. The actuator can be powered by any of these power sources.
Driven linear valves
Like actuated rotary valves, actuated linear valves include all linear valves operated by actuators.
Globe valves and gate valves, and pinch valves fall into this category of valves
As with all actuated valves, the actuator is responsible for facilitating the remote opening and closing of the valve in these valve types. However, because they operate in very different ways, the actuator design of the performing linear valve needs to be very different from that of the performing rotary valve.
These actuators need to produce linear rather than rotational motion and come in many different styles.
When it comes to choosing the perfect actuated valve, you need to ensure that you choose a valve type with a high standard design. High quality tops the priorities, as they undergo a great deal of wear and tear, and a busted valve can cause costly losses.
Where you can find the valve you need?

Xiamen Dervos is an API-Certified valve manufacturer and trader that specializes in the production of various kinds of valves. In addition to all kinds of common valves such as gate valves, ball valves, globe valves, plug valves and butterfly valves, we also offer you the best actuators as long as our customers file their requirements.
To learn more about our industry-leading products, contact us today.

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