The Function of Valve Heating Jacket

The Function of Valve Heating Jacket

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Many kinds of valves can have a heating jacket, such as gate valves, check valves and plug valves.  

A heating jacket is usually made of steel plate, and rolled as per body shape and installed around the body to maintain certain temperature of the fluid flowing through the valve.

Before adding the jacket, we will do hydro testing to the valve to ensure there is no leakage, and then we weld the heating jacket and test the jacket with air from inlet to the outlet @1.0 MPA to guarantee zero leakage. 

If the heating jacket is parallel to the body, then the flange size should be one size larger to make enough room for installation at flange part. For example, if the valve size is 3 inch, then the flange size should be 4 inch. Of course, you can make the jacket in tapered shape, then flange size can be maintained the same.

Also, there is another design, with double heating jackets. In this case, the heating fluid won’t be in contact with valve body, which is more suitable with corrosive heating fluid. 

The Function of Valve Heating Jacket


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